Dr. Manny Sethi and His Mom Take on Illegal Immigration in Blunt New TV Ad


Dr. Manny Sethi, a Tennessee Republican running to replace Lamar Alexander in the U.S. Senate, has a blunt new ad that could inflame leftist-progressives across the Volunteer State.

In the ad, currently airing statewide and on YouTube, Sethi’s mother, Chander Sethi, says she and her husband spent seven years following U.S. law and emigrating to this country legally. She said she wonders why people who speak out against illegal immigration get called racist.

“My husband and I were young doctors in India who wanted to come to America. We followed the law and immigrated legally. It took seven years. We were country doctors in Tennessee for 25 years. I delivered thousands of babies and worked hard to be a good citizen,” Chander Sethi says to the audience.

“So why do others come here illegally, take all the benefits and then if you dare say that’s wrong – you are called racist? My son, Manny, is a Tennessee surgeon. He’s now running for U.S. Senate. And he knows this is wrong,” she adds.

That’s when Manny Sethi steps in and says the following in the ad:

“We’re gonna have an illegal immigrant invasion if Republicans don’t win in 2020,” Manny Sethi said. “Democrats are going to give this country away. That’s why I’m running. Let them try to call me a racist.”

Sethi campaign chairman Chris Devaney told The Tennessee Star in an emailed statement that the ad has excited conservatives around the state.

“Washington is full of establishment politicians who talk a big game about stopping immigration, and then do nothing. Dr. Manny isn’t a politician,” Devaney said.

As reported last month, former Ambassador to Japan Bill Hagerty, also a Republican, announced he also wants Alexander’s job.

Sethi told The Star last month that Tennessee voters may rest assured he, if elected, won’t fall in with the Washington D.C. establishment.

And if he does replace Alexander then Sethi said his medical background gives him the skill set he needs to do something a lot of U.S. senators cannot —  get his policies enacted into law.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Manny Sethi and Mom” by Manny Sethi for Senate.




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8 Thoughts to “Dr. Manny Sethi and His Mom Take on Illegal Immigration in Blunt New TV Ad”

  1. Gary Cupp

    Funny that people think using constitutional quotes to support their ideals somehow gives it weight. Nothing has the same meaning in modern society that it had then. The Republican Party was not even in existence, and an “invasion” wasn’t foreseen as Mexican’s trying to cross the border non-violently. Some states meant to protect immigration by freed slaves if that tells you anything. We were in the process of “invading” someone else’s own homelands ourselves so we didn’t even think of anyone having the “nerve” to encroach on our newly invaded land. Stick a flag in it and claim that’s the “rule of law”…..give me a break, god is ashamed of us all…….

  2. […] The Star reported Wednesday, Sethi’s mother appeared in the ad and spoke about how she and her husband […]

  3. Ron Welch

    When defining a politician as a “conservative”, I want to know, what is it they want to conserve. Being a Constitutional conservative, that means conserving the wording of the Constitution and obeying it. . In his excellent ad, Manny Sethi makes it clear he intends to act to “protect the States against invasion” as I cited Article IV, Section 4 in my previous comment. Instead of conserving the political status quo, that is what I want to hear from a candidate who is to be serving under our delegated powers in the Constitution.

    God Bless the Republic!

    1. Ann


  4. Stuart I. Anderson

    Chairman Manny has certainly “fallen in” with the centrist/tepid conservative Republican Tennessee establishment. Along with being a past Chairman of the Statemen’s Dinner he is friends with two past chairmen of the Republican Party, his campaign is being run by a third, and Sen. Frist is his “role model and mentor.” Why would anyone assume he won’t simply do the same thing once he gets to Washington.

    The Chairman may not be a politician, but he has no record of being a conservative nor is he an “outsider.” Rather, he is a No Record Candidate who is trying to fool conservatives into voting for him. Conservatives should show they aren’t fools, and lacking a conservative alternative they should vote AGAINST Sethi by voting for Hagerty.

    1. Norman

      Hagerty? Conservative? No way. Search for the Daily Roll Call article “What Tennessee’s Conservative Base Knows About Bill Hagerty”. Here’s the link, if it will post as a link:

  5. Ron Welch

    Hear! Hear! Excellent!

    “The United States SHALL guarantee to every State in the union a republican form of government and SHALL PROTECT EACH OF THEM AGAINST INVASION…”
    (Article IV, Section 4, U.S. Constitution)

    THAT is the “rule of law” and “no one is above the law”!!!
